By Your Side End-of-Life Vigil Companion Training Coming to a Community Near You

Does end-of-life care have relevance for you personally or professionally? If so, the By Your Side Vigil Companion training program will bring your understanding to a whole new level. The program trains and equips volunteers to serve as compassionate companions for those who are at the end of life.


The 5-week, 10 hour course covers the practical medical, emotional, and spiritual challenges of the end-of-life process. It provides participants with the knowledge and support needed to be with those approaching the end of life, while respecting all religious or spiritual beliefs. Volunteers serve in hospitals, care centers and senior-living communities, as well as in their congregations and even in their own families, so that no one who desires a companion dies alone.

This year, trainings will be held at The Canterbury, The Covington, MonteCedro and several public venues. For more information, contact Susan Brown at [email protected].


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