montecedro exterior pathway with light smoke in air from altadena fires

Eaton Fire Recovery

Latest Update

March 1, 2025  A brief Message from Leadership

Residents are enjoying daytime visits to participate in fitness classes, Creative Living events, informal socializing, catered lunch and visiting home.

Phase II construction site will see some preparation work next week to get the site ready to resume building when authorized.

Unfortunately, there is no new significant news to share.  The next ECS Leadership update will be sent early next week, pending information from Rubio Cañon.

James Rothrock, President & CEO, ECS
Sharon Pewtress, Sr. VP & COO, ECS

Link to Rubio Cañon Land & Water: 2.25.25 Briefing v1

Past Updates

February 26th

February 26, 2025 A Message from Leadership

Many residents returned this week for daytime fitness classes, Creative Living events, informal socializing and catered lunch. Personal training and Spanish classes will resume on Monday, March 3. The final phase of remediation work is underway, including power washing the exterior of the buildings, cleaning windows, and restoring the pool and spa. While we are hopeful that water could be restored as early as next week according to Rubio Cañon’s recent update we are/have taken the following actions:
• Discussions with Supervisor Barger’s office.
• Contact with our mechanical, electrical and plumbing engineers to determine if it is possible to connect to an independent water treatment source.
• Exploring possible mobile potable water delivery options.
• Ongoing communication with staff and board members at Rubio Cañon.
• Working with water counsel, on a pro bono basis, to search for alternative resources and to better understand Rubio Cañon’s water restoration process and timeline.

In the meantime, we’ve begun to relocate residents closer to the community with easier access to amenities, physicians and transportation to MonteCedro.

Our next update will be provided Saturday, March 1.

James Rothrock, President & CEO, ECS
Sharon Pewtress, Sr. VP & COO, ECS

2.25.25 Briefing v1

February 22nd

February 22, 2025        A Message from Leadership

We made positive progress this week with the EPA conducting its inspection of the campus and deeming it free from any hazardous fire debris.

With residences and common areas restored at MonteCedro, residents have been invited back for daytime fitness classes, Creative Living events, informal socializing and a catered lunch.

The last remaining obstacle to residents’ homecoming is safe and healthy water. In communications with Rubio Cañon officials we asked:

  • What specific process is underway to repair the system?
  • What is the timeline for the repair and quality restoration work?
  • What external resources (i.e. County, State, Federal, etc.) have been marshalled to hasten repairs and restoration?
  • Are there filtration systems that might be installed at our main connection to clear the contaminants?
  • When can we reasonably plan for safe and healthy water to be restored?

Unfortunately, the Rubio Cañon officials could not provide specific answers to these questions beyond the details they have been sharing in their website updates. Our own testing by the industrial hygienist confirms that the water is contaminated and unsafe for consumption.

Without clear guidance from Rubio Cañon, we are researching alternatives for delivering safe and healthy water independent of their system. The feasibility of these alternatives is being determined.

Our next update will be provided Wednesday, February 26th.

James Rothrock, President & CEO, ECS

Sharon Pewtress, Sr. VP & COO, ECS

Link to Rubio Cañon Land & Water:

February 18th

In lieu of tomorrow’s update, please see the letter below from CEO, James Rothrock. Our next update will be provided Saturday, February 22nd.

 February 18, 2025

Dear Residents, Families, and Team:

Of all the distress related to MonteCedro’s recent evacuation, I profoundly regret that two residents were missed in the initial evacuation.  On behalf of ECS and MonteCedro I have personally apologized to the two residents, and we are deeply grateful that both were ultimately evacuated safely.

The leadership team and I are committed to a deep, unvarnished, third-party review of all that transpired regarding MonteCedro’s readiness and response to the Eaton fire. We are committed to transparency; therefore, each of you will be provided with any significant findings.

MonteCedro leadership, mindful of the fire-resistive construction of MonteCedro, and the dangers inherent in relocating more than 200 people, some with impairments, sought to balance the risks of sheltering in place and an evacuation.  As you may know, MonteCedro was completed and opened in 2015. It was built to Type I standards requiring the use of non-combustible materials to withstand high temperatures and fire.

Type I buildings are also known as fire-resistive construction. Similar to the report in the LA Times regarding Ciela, a senior living community in Pacific Palisades, (Gutierrez, Fenno, St. John and Martinez; 12:07PM & Epilogue), MonteCedro’s construction was specifically designed to allow residents and team members to shelter in place as conditions warrant. It also provides an extended amount of time for an orderly and safe evacuation when required.

The forethought and planning that went into constructing MonteCedro prevented significant smoke or fire damage to its buildings during the Eaton Fire, and more importantly contributed to the safety of the residents that were not initially evacuated.

After ignition of the Eaton Fire during the evening on January 7, the Executive Director returned to MonteCedro, walked the property and spoke with residents, their families and team members, assuring them that the building was the safest place to be at the time.

Sometime after 10 p.m., with the wind blowing away from MonteCedro, the Executive Director left a senior manager with extensive knowledge of operations and the buildings in charge. Early the next morning, the Executive Director, who was three miles away, was notified by the manager that MonteCedro was being evacuated and advised the Executive Director to meet residents at the Pasadena Convention Center rather than attempt to assist in the evacuation.

MonteCedro is located in an area that received evacuation orders just before 6 a.m. on January 8. In the early morning of January 8, the Los Angeles County Fire and Sheriff’s Departments arrived onsite before evacuation orders were issued and requested staff assist in an evacuation. At that time, the Fire Department took control of the evacuation.

Once MonteCedro residents were transported to the Pasadena Convention Center and MonteCedro team members resumed control, the team determined that two residents were unaccounted for, therefore, accompanied by a team member, I immediately returned to as close to MonteCedro as possible.

We located a firefighter a few blocks from MonteCedro and requested emergency personnel conduct a search for the two unaccounted-for residents. We emphatically requested to join emergency personnel to expedite and help with the search.

The firefighter called for assistance over his radio and then assured us that emergency personnel would search the MonteCedro buildings but would not allow us to assist. Then the firefighter informed us that if anyone were found he would not be able to provide their names nor tell us where they would be taken.

Time passed without a response from the emergency personnel conducting the search, so we attempted to make our way to MonteCedro by walking on the side streets southwest of the community to avoid entanglement with the multiple emergency vehicles on El Molino. However, shortly thereafter we encountered heavy layers of smoke, downed power lines and trees, and homes on fire, thus causing us to retreat.

We decided to return to the firefighter we had spoken to earlier. Upon seeing us, the firefighter asked, “Did you see the two people you were looking for?” After we answered “no” he stated, “they found two people.”

We then returned to the Pasadena Convention Center and learned that both residents had been transferred there safely. I sat with Jean Bruce Pool, one of the previously unaccounted-for residents, to confirm that she was okay. She stated that she had not charged her hearing aids and was not aware of the initial evacuation.

Three weeks later the Sheriff’s Department released body camera video to media outlets showing two deputies locating the unaccounted-for residents. The time stamp on the video was approximately an hour before we talked to the fireman. It then became clear to me that unknown to the fireman we had spoken to, he had received and reported information to us regarding the earlier discovery of the residents.

The body camera video showed the deputies finding both residents unharmed – one walking her dog outside and the other inside the building.  The body camera video also revealed minimal smoke in or near the buildings; however, dark smoke was visible in the distance.

Our senior vice president of operations, Sharon Pewtress, directed MonteCedro’s report of evacuation activities, including the delayed evacuation of two residents to the California Department of Social Services (DSS).

Additionally, a complaint was filed with DSS by an unknown party, triggering an investigation according to their standard procedure. We are working cooperatively with DSS to clarify the events of the evacuation and subsequent search.

MonteCedro’s strength lies in its residents and team. It is humbling and inspiring to witness the beauty and resiliency of community during times of tragedy. MonteCedro will not only recover but be greater than ever.


James S. Rothrock

President & CEO

February 15th

February 15, 2025    A Message from Leadership

The buildings at MonteCedro are ready to welcome everyone home, however, the last remaining obstacle is the restoration of healthy and safe drinking water. Unfortunately, yesterday Rubio Cañon maintained their Unsafe Water Alert and indicated that further testing is required. See links at the bottom.

Upon confirmation of healthy and safe water, we will notify residents of the homecoming schedule. On a positive note, here are the latest developments at MonteCedro:

  • A full team will be back at the community this Monday, February 17th except those team members providing direct care at the relocation sites.
  • UPS and FedEx resumed delivery service.
  • The USPS will be notified Tuesday, February 18th to resume mail service, including all back mail.
  • Linens have been laundered with large items out for professional cleaning.
  • Carpet and upholstery cleaning has been completed.
  • Test results confirmed that apartment and common area air quality is healthy.

We will continue to update residents, future-residents, the team and families on progress toward reopening. Our next update will be provided Wednesday, February 19th.

James Rothrock, President & CEO, ECS

Sharon Pewtress, Sr. VP & COO, ECS

Links to Rubio Cañon Land & Water and LA Times:

February 12th

February 12, 2025   A Message from Leadership…

We thank residents and families for your continued understanding, patience and resilience through this very difficult period of being away from home. The entire team is working diligently so that you can return home and once again “sleep in your own bed!”

  • Significant progress is being made readying apartments for residents’ return:
  • Bed and bath linens are being laundered or professionally cleaned.
  • Carpet and upholstery are being cleaned where debris intrusion was observed.

Indoor air quality samples were taken in all apartments with test results expected by this Friday, February 14th.

The homecoming schedule continues to be dependent upon healthy air quality and safe drinking water. As of their latest notice, Rubio Cañon Land & Water, reports it should receive its lab results by the end of this week. Rubio will provide those final results to the State Water Board for approval to lift the “Do Not Drink” order. Their next update will be provided this Friday, February 14th.

We will continue to update residents, future-residents, the team and families on progress toward reopening. We will provide another update Saturday, February 15th.

James Rothrock, President & CEO, ECS

Sharon Pewtress, Sr. VP & COO, ECS

David Weidert, Executive Director, MonteCedro

February 8th

February 8, 2025 A Message from Leadership…

With common areas and hard surfaces restored at MonteCedro, efforts have shifted to cleaning linens, upholstery, carpet and window treatments in residences. When the soft surface cleaning is complete, the industrial hygienist will verify air quality is healthy.

Residents’ return continues to be dependent upon healthy air quality and safe drinking water. Our water utility, Rubio Cañon Land & Water, reports that additional testing is still required. They will provide their next update on Tuesday, February 11th. With the uncertain timing and outcome of air and water quality testing, next week we will provide scheduled access for residents to visit their home to gather belongings.

We will continue to update residents, future-residents, the team and families on progress toward reopening. We will provide another update Wednesday, February 12th.

James Rothrock, President & CEO, ECS

Sharon Pewtress, Sr. VP & COO, ECS

David Weidert, Executive Director, MonteCedro

February 5th

February 5, 2025 A Message from Leadership…

Yesterday, residents gathered with leadership and directors for a virtual Special Town Hall meeting. The agenda included a discussion of the evacuation, progress toward reopening, emergency preparedness and administrative matters. After prepared remarks, a robust question, answer and discussion period followed.
Residents’ return is dependent upon safe drinking water. Our water utility, Rubio Cañon Land & Water, started its testing yesterday. Their initial results have all come back “clear.” Rubio reports that additional testing is required and that it may take up to two weeks for clearance.
We will continue to update residents, future-residents, the team and families on progressing toward our targeted reopening. We will provide another update Saturday, February 8th.

James Rothrock, President & CEO, ECS
Sharon Pewtress, Sr. VP & COO, ECS
David Weidert, Executive Director, MonteCedro

February 1st

February 1, 2025   A Message from Leadership…

The team and contractors made significant progress this past week in restoring MonteCedro’s buildings – running air-scrubbers, replacing doors, making roof repairs, cleaning residences and common areas, sanitizing the kitchen, etc. An independent industrial hygienist is performing air, water and soil quality testing to verify L.A. County and State findings.

Rubio Cañon Land & Water is making progress restoring the water system. However, they maintain an Unsafe Water Alert. Rubio plans to begin testing water quality as soon as this Monday, February 3rd and anticipate that it will take one to two weeks to receive final clearance.

We will continue to update residents, future-residents, the team and families on progressing toward our targeted reopening. We will provide another update next Wednesday, February 5th.

James Rothrock, President & CEO, ECS

Sharon Pewtress, Sr. VP & COO, ECS

David Weidert, Executive Director, MonteCedro

January 29th PM

This statement is in response to questions that have been raised following media reports on body cam videos from the L.A. Sheriff’s Department that show the discovery of a MonteCedro resident still in the building after it was evacuated during the Eaton fire.

On the night of January 7 and the morning of January 8, fire conditions in the Altadena area changed rapidly and dramatically. As late as 3 a.m., the winds in the area were calm, and no warnings or evacuation orders had been issued for areas west of Lake Avenue in Altadena.  Even after the winds shifted and picked up, no evacuation order was issued for the zone around MonteCedro, a senior living community operated by Episcopal Communities & Services (ECS).

As conditions worsened, however, in conjunction with the L.A. County Fire Department, the decision was made around 4:15 a.m. to evacuate the 195 MonteCedro residents who had not previously left on their own. These included residents in memory care and the independent living residences where residents manage their own affairs. By the time an order to leave was issued for the neighborhood at 5:50 a.m., the MonteCedro evacuation was well underway.

Eight city transit buses and two belonging to MonteCedro were staged and used to transfer the residents and team from the community to the Pasadena Convention Center. Despite the chaotic situation that included a wall of thick, black smoke, the evacuation proceeded in an orderly fashion. The buses were escorted by L.A. County Sheriff’s deputies, and residents arrived at the Pasadena Convention Center shortly after 7 a.m.

Fire personnel and MonteCedro team members made two complete tours through the building, which included triggering the fire alarm and inspecting every residence. However, two independent living residents were not encountered and did not make it to the buses.

Sometime after 9:30 a.m., sheriff’s deputies found the residents as they swept the building to confirm that it was empty. One resident was found near the building entrance and the other in a hallway.

Around that same time, the ECS team at the convention center completed its headcount of all evacuated residents and discovered that two residents were not present. ECS CEO James Rothrock and another team member immediately returned to MonteCedro, where they were told two people had been found and transferred.

The two residents were settled in other senior living communities that evening and are doing well. It is unclear why they were not encountered in the first or second sweeps of the building.

“Once it was clear that MonteCedro had to be vacated, the ECS and MonteCedro team had one goal—the safe evacuation of every resident,” said CEO James Rothrock. “Working closely with the Sheriff’s Department and Fire Department, we did that. Successfully moving nearly 200 people, some with cognitive issues or other impairments, away from their homes in a couple of hours is cause to give thanks. Having said that, we have discovered gaps in our planning and execution that we are working to understand and correct. Like hundreds of agencies and institutions in the Los Angeles area, we were faced with an unprecedented challenge, and our response to it merits a deep, unvarnished review.”

Refer any inquiries to [email protected].

# # #

January 29th AM

January 29, 2025   A Message from Leadership…

Everyone is eager to reopen MonteCedro. Yesterday, we received structural clearance for both the existing buildings and expansion construction site. As the team readies apartments, common areas, kitchens and dining venues for residents’ return, a tentative timeline is materializing with a staggered reopening targeted to begin the week of February 10th.

Achieving the targeted reopening depends upon the timely delivery and installation of vital restoration components and Rubio Cañon Land & Water Association, our water utility, clearing its Unsafe Water Alert. The utility must conduct at least 150 sample tests to ensure the water is safe for consumption and be approved by the State Water Resources Control Board’s Division of Drinking Water (DDW) to lift its Do-Not-Drink orders. For resident and team safety and assurance, we will also independently test and verify that air and water quality meet health standards.

We will continue to update residents, future-residents, the team and families on progressing toward our targeted reopening. We will provide another update this Saturday, February 1st.

James Rothrock, President & CEO, ECS

Sharon Pewtress, Sr. VP & COO, ECS

David Weidert, Executive Director, MonteCedro

January 24th

January 24, 2025   A message from leadership…

As the buildings and expansion site hummed with assessments and healing handiwork this past week, we want to assure all residents, future-residents, the team and families that ECS’s solid financial foundation will enable us to fully restore MonteCedro in the shortest time possible.

Important points to remember in this disruptive time:

  • Just last month on December 17th, Fitch Ratings affirmed ECS’s ‘A-‘ rating with a Stable Outlook.
  • ECS’s property insurance covers both the existing buildings and the expansion construction work in progress.
  • The coverage provides for all repairs, restoration and for business interruption recovery due to the displacement of residents.

The MonteCedro team along with a contingent of supplemental guards are securing the buildings, residences and expansion work site.

We hope to be able to provide an estimated reopening timeline in the coming days and are monitoring the following limiting factors that unfortunately remain unclear:

We will continue to update residents, future-residents, the team and families on all the progress toward welcoming everyone home to MonteCedro.

James Rothrock, President & CEO, Episcopal Communities & Services

Sharon Pewtress, Sr. VP & COO, Episcopal Communities & Services

David Weidert, Executive Director, MonteCedro

To support MonteCedro team members impacted by the Eaton Fire, please donate to the Staff Assistance Fund for Emergencies (SAFE) – Fire Relief at

January 21st

With access restrictions lifted and utilities reestablished, though water remains non-potable, our restoration teams are starting the work to return MonteCedro to the secure and comfortable place we all know. Just some of the work to accomplish:

  • Remove all storm and fire debris from the grounds and safely dispose.
  • Inspect tree wind-damage. Remove broken limbs.
  • Perform a structural assessment. Make repairs, if needed.
  • Remove spoiled food, clean refrigerators and residences.
  • Remove ashes and soot that may have penetrated the buildings.
  • Clear indoor air contaminants. Confirm indoor air quality is healthy.
  • Repair any wind-damaged roofing, exterior doors and windows.
  • Replace residence doors/access-controls damaged during evacuation.
  • Assess for smoke or debris intrusion. As needed, clean hard and soft surfaces such as carpet, upholstery, linens, etc. in common areas.
  • Replace heating, ventilation and air conditioning filters.
  • Clear, sanitize and restock the main kitchen.
  • Coordinate with Phase II expansion site remediation, as needed.

All this work commences as thousands of our friends, neighbors, families, businesses, churches and other organizations in Altadena and Pacific Palisades take the first steps to rebuild their homes, lives and livelihoods. Our contractors will “rush and expedite” all materials and labor, but demand will be unprecedented. We hope to share a tentative timeline in the coming days as we work through details with contractors, water utility and public agencies.

We will continue to update residents, the team and families on all the progress toward welcoming everyone home to MonteCedro.

James Rothrock, President & CEO, Episcopal Communities & Services

Sharon Pewtress, Sr. VP & COO, Episcopal Communities & Services

David Weidert, Executive Director, MonteCedro

January 20th

January 20, 2025 – A message from leadership…

Today, the Evacuation Order for MonteCedro’s neighborhood was reduced to normal status. An additional security team is supplementing our usual security and building access fobs remain inoperable.

Extensive clean up and restoration work is ongoing in the neighborhood and at MonteCedro. Please do not travel to MonteCedro to allow this work to proceed unimpeded by visitors and comply with our licensing requirements.

Encouragingly, crews restored power and cable/internet service yesterday. SoCalGas expects to inspect pilot-ignition systems and restore gas service later this week. Water service remains unsafe with Rubio Cañon Land and Water Association (water supplier) maintaining an Unsafe Water Alert (

This week the team continues to work with our restoration specialists, other contractors, culinary provider and state regulators to establish a timeline for the complete remediation, restoration and re-opening of MonteCedro. The expansion construction site will undergo parallel efforts led by our general contractor.

We will continue to update residents, the team and families on all the progress toward welcoming residents home to MonteCedro. We ask for your continued patience and understanding as we work to fully restore MonteCedro’s safety and comfort.

James Rothrock, President & CEO, Episcopal Communities & Services

Sharon Pewtress, Sr. VP & COO, Episcopal Communities & Services

David Weidert, Executive Director, MonteCedro

To support MonteCedro team members impacted by the Eaton Fire, please donate to the Staff Assistance Fund for Emergencies (SAFE) – Fire Relief at

January 17th

January 17th…update from Leadership

Although still in a mandatory evacuation zone, today we commenced the steps to ready MonteCedro for residents to return home. This morning, under Sheriff’s Department escort, the ECS and MonteCedro leadership teams accompanied representatives from our general contractor, restoration specialist and property insurer to the community to assess the buildings and grounds and begin to plan the required repairs, re-provisioning and any refinishing.

The absolute destruction of so much of the Altadena foothills neighborhood compared with the relatively unscathed condition of the campus shows the cruel indifference and fickleness of the firestorm. Residents will be returning to the comfortable secure home they know at MonteCedro, but within environs so catastrophically ravaged as to be almost unrecognizable.

We will continue to update residents, the team and families as the evacuation order is lifted, the restoration plan is solidified and the timeline for utilities restoration becomes clear. All efforts are underway to expedite residents’ swift return home.

James Rothrock, President & CEO, Episcopal Communities & Services

Sharon Pewtress, Sr. VP & COO, Episcopal Communities & Services

David Weidert, Executive Director, MonteCedro

To support MonteCedro team members impacted by the Eaton Fire, please donate to the Staff Assistance Fund for Emergencies (SAFE) – Fire Relief at

January 15th

January 15th A message from leadership…

The shock of last week’s fires has transitioned into profound sadness and sympathy for the lives and homes so heartbreakingly lost.

Residents and team members may be feeling a sense of anxiety from being abruptly relocated and the uncertainty about the timing of getting back home and resettled. The team understands and is working to retrieve as many essential items for residents as possible to ensure wellness, comfort and the ability to communicate. We are providing outreach to residents and team members to ensure they are receiving information and support.

The damage to Altadena’s critical utility infrastructure (power, water, gas, cable, internet, etc.) and the surrounding neighborhood is overwhelming. As soon as officials permit access, our contractors stand ready to assess and prepare MonteCedro for residents’ return.

We’re moved by everyone’s grace, connection, generosity and resilience. Thank you for being in community with us.

James Rothrock, President & CEO – ECS

Sharon Pewtress, Sr. VP & COO – ECS

David Weidert, Executive Director – MonteCedro

To support MonteCedro team members impacted by the Eaton Fire, please donate to the Staff Assistance Fund for Emergencies (SAFE) – Fire Relief at


January 13th

January 13th Community Update

MonteCedro remains in a mandatory evacuation zone with no utilities and potential airborne toxins from the burning of lead paint, asbestos and car batteries. While officials estimate the evacuation order could be lifted as early as Thursday, the required repairs, remediation and re-provisioning of MonteCedro will stretch well beyond that day before residents can safely, healthily and comfortably return. We will advise as soon as we have estimated timing.

Today, amid extremely restricted access by the Sheriff’s Department, a small MonteCedro team was able to retrieve essentials for at least 70 more residents. The team is working with officials to determine when we may be able to retrieve residents’ cars and will advise as soon as possible.

To support MonteCedro team members impacted by the Eaton Fire, please donate to the Staff Assistance Fund for Emergencies (SAFE) – Fire Relief at

January 11th

January 11th Community Update:

Altadena continues to be under mandatory evacuation with robust, highly visible security established and enforced by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and National Guard. There is no power, gas, water, phone or cable/internet service and utility providers have only begun to assess a timeline for re-establishing service.

While authorities are permitting Altadena residents one trip into the evacuation zone for essentials, MonteCedro’s multi-building/multistory size is outside the scope of authorities’ “one trip for essentials” policy because without power the buildings are very dark and simply unsafe for visitors.

Yesterday afternoon, the authorities permitted a small team to travel to MonteCedro to retrieve vital medical items and other resident essentials. The MonteCedro team will continue to work with residents to retrieve essentials. Please do not attempt to visit MonteCedro at this time.

MonteCedro is secured with parking gates closed so that the garage is inaccessible. The team will coordinate with residents when we are able to remove cars.

The team is working to restore MonteCedro so that we are ready when the evacuation mandate is lifted. The community still needs power, gas, water, phone and cable/internet services restored plus a very good tidying up.

We all look forward to welcoming everyone home, and we remain astonishingly grateful for the fate our vegetation and buildings were granted.

January 9th PM

The Eaton Fire has disrupted so many lives, and tragically destroyed the homes of so many Altadena neighbors and several MonteCedro team members. We hold all those who have been so brutally impacted by this firestorm in our thoughts and prayers.

Today, we obtained an escort, by the Sheriff’s Department, to enter MonteCedro, to walk the community and do a preliminary assessment of any damage. There is no obvious sign of water damage or indication that the fire sprinklers were triggered. While unable to inspect every apartment, the preliminary assessment is very promising and provides confidence that the interior of the building is in very good condition. At this time MonteCedro is without water or electricity service, remains in an evacuation and fire zone and is inaccessible due to Sheriff’s Department restrictions.

ECS community, Twelve Oaks, in Glendale, which wound down operations at the end of 2024 for redevelopment is undamaged by the fire.

ECS communities, The Canterbury and The Covington, each welcomed several evacuated MonteCedro residents late yesterday. Most other residents chose to stay with families or friends with a small number of residents relocated to an area hotel with MonteCedro team members onsite for support.

January 9th AM

The building remains standing and has withstood the fire. Staff is awaiting word when they may enter the property to assess damage. All residents have been relocated to other ECS communities, to stay with family, or to a nearby hotel. We will update as soon as we have additional information about the MonteCedro building and Phase 2 construction. Thank You.

January 8th

Just before dawn this morning the Los Angeles County Sheriff and Fire Departments imposed a mandatory evacuation for the neighborhood in which MonteCedro is located due to the Eaton Fire. The Departments supervised and carried out the safe evacuation of all residents to the Pasadena Convention Center for their immediate safety. Provisions are being made for meals and residents’ care. All residents have been accounted for with many choosing to go stay with family or friends.

We will continue to update residents, the team and families as developments occur.

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