ECS Webinars: What is Prop 19 and How Does it Affect Me?

ECS Webinars: What is Prop 19 and How Does it Affect Me?

Join us as Los Angeles County Assessor Jeff Prang discusses Prop 19 and its impact on LA County senior residents and their families.

Overwhelmed by recent news of Prop 19?

This law brings tax savings to California residents when inheriting a home. Learn the detailed steps necessary to prepare a transfer of your primary home to your children or grandchildren.

Take advantage of this one-on-one time with Assessor Prang. In addition to answering your questions, he will explain the parent-child exclusion, requirements for qualification, and the difference between a will and a trust; plus provide the formula to calculate the specifics.

Please note: these events are webinars, which means attendee cameras and microphones will be turned off. Chat will be available for submitting questions.

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