April 10, 2022

Spring Renewal

“The human need for hope is innate.”

Father Rick Byrum

With spring in the air, many people’s thoughts turn to the future and what the days ahead might bring. It is a time for new lambs, new beginnings, and new opportunities. The spirit of spring is the spirit of possibility.

At ECS, we are committed to all aspects of care – physical, intellectual, spiritual, emotional, and social wellbeing. This holistic approach to senior living has attracted wonderful spiritual leaders to our communities and allows us to minister to people of all faiths.

Spring also marks the arrival of Easter. For Chaplain Celeste Stump of The Canterbury, Father Rick Byrum of The Covington, and Chaplain Liz Piraino of MonteCedro, it is a busy time tending to the needs of their community.

Easter is the oldest and most important day on the Christian calendar, marking the death and resurrection of Jesus. Chaplin Liz says the message of Easter is the essence of the Christian faith. “Our celebration of Easter is our yearly reminder of this gift of hope.”

This year, Passover falls on the same week as Easter and the Jewish faith will be celebrating their miraculous Exodus. Father Rick says Easter and Passover are a time when people reflect on the bigger picture. “The human need for hope is innate.”

Hope is not the only thing people of faith share at this time of year. There is also the food! From Passover dinner on Friday night, to Easter dinners on Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon, each community will provide an opportunity to come together and celebrate our collective sense of renewal.

As always at ECS communities, our amazing culinary teams will ensure a feast worthy of the occasion. Residents will enjoy an array of menu choices, all lovingly made, using the freshest ingredients locally available – think Thanksgiving, but without the cranberry sauce or pumpkin pie.

Spring is a time to celebrate – our family, our future, and our community. Happy Passover, Happy Easter, and blessings to all.


About us

Founded on four commitments – choice, creativity, confidence, and connection – ECS provides relaxed, maintenance-free, resort-style living in beautiful, continuing care, retirement community settings in Southern California.

Celebrating 100 years of exceptional services for seniors. Proudly non-profit. Contact us today to learn more.


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